Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Only in my grandmother's house...

...would I find antique FOOD!  I kid you not...in cleaning out the pantry in the kitchen, I found the following:

Yes, those are 3 totally different styles of Royal pudding boxes (one stamped as costing 23 cents!)...as well as 2 different styles of Jell-O boxes.  It's also a Sanka instant coffee pack and some Mr. Gourmet Sour-n-Creamy dip mix.  

I was amazed at some of what I found in the cupboards.  Interesting trip down history lane...

**Cleaning out update:  Kitchen pantry cupboards (the ones with food in them) and the fridge are empty.  Back bedroom is clean and organized and ready to go, yay!!**


  1. I really hope to god that was way in the back and she didn't try to make anything with those. SANKA? Oh my god, I haven't seen sanka since I was a child!

  2. Sounds like my grandmas pantry now... she called and asked me one day if I thought the jello that expired 4 years ago was still good. I told her no. She said "Well I'm going to make it and if it doesn't set I'll throw it out." *gag* lol
