Thursday, July 12, 2012

My office... we're going to each have an that I have space to work on stuff and lesson plan and grade papers and Mike has space to play video games and whatnot...the transformation of my office looked something like this:  of course you have to remember that the "old" furniture is still in there so it looks kind of like a bedroom but the furniture will be gone soon and then I'll be moving in my desk and stuff in...but you can see my color scheme and theme at least!  

What it looked like before:

What it looks like now:

I was giggle clapping in there the other day....I frickin' love the colors...can't wait to put MY stuff in there :-D 


  1. *gasp* is that the FSoG room??? I flove that color!

  2. it was the bathroom - the top color in there is a grey (called porpoise)

    mine office is wine frost (the darker color) and silverberry (the lighter purple)...I freaking love it (of course you do too, Kassie!!) and I'm doing all white and black accessories :)

  3. porpoise's cool! (See what I did there?)

    2 offices in a 3 bedroom house? You better straighten this out now who is going to give up their office when a baby comes along. js :)

    looks beautiful, Lauren, especially when you'll have a lovely breeze from the yard.

    1. Oh we will figure that out eventually kitt but there's no plan for that til I have a permanent teaching job so we have time :)
